Inktober 2019 – Day Twenty-Eight – Ride

Inktober 2019 – Day Twenty-Eight – Ride

For today’s Inktober prompt, we have someone who made the mistake of trying to ride a Puca.

The Puca (more commonly known as “Pooka”) was one of the first of the Irish fairies I learned about, after the usual St. Patrick’s Day fluff. The usual story is they disguise themselves as animals and offer unsuspecting travelers rides. Then, if the rider is lucky, it gives them a terrifying ride around the moors. If you’re unlucky, it’s straight off a cliff.

Much as I love the movie Harvey, I disapprove of how it changed the definition of the word. A puca is not a bunny or anything else similarly cute or whimsical!

wpmorse inktober a puca gives an unsuspecting traveler a ride right off a cliff. Goat Pooka halloween pen and ink illustration