Game of Thrones – Puppet Show
This was probably the hardest scene to do so far because all of the information for the scene was actually two pages before the scene itself. Also, I because I couldn’t imagine a puppeteer manipulating a marionette with one hand I would have preferred to have them be hand puppets but Martin specifically says they are made of wood. Trying not to spend too much time doing research I made them stick puppets that work… somehow.
To make things more interesting I made the puppets the Griffin King and the Winged Knight
This also brought me to an issue of wrapping my head around how different the book is from the show specifically of all the characters who look nothing like their screen version it’s Lysa Arryn. I don’t have a problem with it since I think Kate Dickle is one of the best castings on the show due to her remarkable resemblance to Catelyn Stark’s actress Michelle Fairley. However since I’m doing the book, not show I have to remember to stick to the text.

“Behind her, Lord Robert shrieked with delight as one of the puppet knights sliced the other in half, spilling a flood of red sawdust onto the terrace.”