Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Nine – The Ventriloquist

Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Nine – The Ventriloquist

For Day Ten of my Batman sketch challenge, I drew the Ventriloquist!As I’ve said in previous posts, I’m always fascinated about what new characters get put in the regular cast and which ones get forgotten almost immediately.

For me, The Ventriloquist was the first “modern” character who was put into the regular Batman rogues gallery.

I really liked the initial concept a quiet nondescript man, who stands slightly in the shadows as he controls a powerful criminal gang through a loud, boisterous, larger than life puppet named Scarface.

Since then a lot of writers have tried to embellish the original concept by making Scarface some supernatural icon or replacing him with an “improved” ventriloquist. but in the process, I think they forget what made the character work in the first place.

I remember when I first read his first appearance in Detective Comics #583 I thought Scarface came off as silly despite his brutality. I didn’t even notice the Ventriloquist until I reread it, and then I thought the concept was brilliant.

So here we are back to basics with Scarface holding council with the ventriloquist standing behind him unseen in the shadows.

