Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Seven – Bane

Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Seven – Bane

For Day Seven of My Batman Sketch Challenge I drew Bane
Bane is another character I have problems with and would have liked to have had more time to think about. Obviously, the magic Tupperware does not like me.

It’s interesting what works in a comic book setting and what doesn’t. I’m always interested in why characters who were originally throwaways like the Joker. Where characters like Bane, who were specifically designed to be a nemesis for Batman, just muddle along.

While I didn’t care for him that much in Knightfall, I certainly thought he deserved better than mostly being treated as just a thug on steroids that he’s been used as most of the time since Knightfall.

Recently he’s been treated much better in such titles as Gail Simone’s Secret Six and Tom King’s Batman storyline “I Am Bane”. Currently, my favorite version is his cameo in Young Justice where he is first voiced by the great Danny Trejo.

So here’s how I’m going to play it.

The crimefighting campaign of Batman has upset many of the traditional smuggling routes. Because of this an alliance of some of the largest drug cartels has sent their greatest enforcers El Veneno, better known in Gotham simply as Bane.

Intelligent, ruthless and seemingly impossibly strong, Bane and his team of enforcers quickly have become the de facto head of the Cartel in Gotham. He clearly has more of an agenda than this. But the irresistible challenge of the Bat keeps him in his place… for now.

And I’m definitely casting Danny Trejo in my head.

