Fairy Tale Challenge Day One – Snow White and Rose Red
Once or twice a year I challenge myself into doing one themed sketch for a month. I always do one for October with a Halloween theme but then nearly everyone I know does that. I like to do another one on my own. Last year I did Nursery Rhymes for two months the year before it was movies.
It’s a good exercise. It forces you to keep on a schedule, and if you do it by drawing names from a hat like I do, forces you to be creative on the spot without waiting for the muse to do her job. Because of the deadline it also forces you to own up to your work, so even when the idea you came up with in five minutes wasn’t as good as you thought it was you have to treat it as if it were and work it until what you finish with is at least mediocre. It’s tough but definitely lives you producing better stuff by the time you’ve finished.
For this April challenge, the theme is Grimm Fairy Tales (with a little bit of Hans Christian Anderson to fill out the Gaps.) The rules one sketch a day using a ten point marker (I am indeed a masochist) I am going to try to maintain a film noir vibe (though since half the time it feels like that means sticking a fedora on everyone that one’s not written in stone, but I’ll try to stay in period)
We start with the Story of Snow White and Rose Red.
I think this was okay start (the first few are always the weakest) I kind of flubbed the bear’s head but otherwise I’m mostly pleased with it.