Mermay 2021 – Day Twenty-Three – Artistic

mermaids mermay art gallery sculpture Jennifer watercolor modern art illustration

Mermay 2021 – Day Twenty-Three – Artistic

Once again, I ran into a redundant prompt. For once, it wasn’t the fault of the list. (Well not once, it seems to happen every year, but you know what I mean) It was a case of me choosing to interpret an exceptionally abstract prompt in a certain way and then run into another way that is explicitly what your last interpretation was. In this case, it involved Jennifer creating a piece of modern art that could charitably be called “original“. So, of course, about a week later I have to do “artistic”.

After spending too much time overthinking it I decided to make it a sequel to “original”, with Jennifer putting her work on display. Unfortunately, a much more “original” piece gets much more attention.