A Clash of Kings – Brienne

In today's A Clash of Kings illustration we meet Brienne of Tarth. A sog of ice and fire asoiaf pen and ink

A Clash of Kings – Brienne

“Done,” he said. “Rise, and remove your helm.”

She did as he bid her. And when the greathelm was lifted, Catelyn understood Ser Colen’s words.

A Clash of Kings – Chapter 19 – Catelyn

The main trick about drawing the “real” Brienne of Tarth is to forget Gwendolyn Christie exists. Make no mistake, Christie is one of the best parts of the HBO show, but other than her height, she looks nothing like the Brienne of the book. Mr. Martin seems to go out of his way to make her as ugly as possible. (Though after having drawn her several times now I think she grows on you.)

I like the contrast of Catelyn’s opinions and reality in this scene. Catelyn is being even more of a know nothing than usual. She sees Brienne as a sad girl, when this is clearly the happiest day of Brienne’s life.