Another Night at DUNE – Banish Plump Jack Falstaff

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Another Night at DUNE – Banish Plump Jack Falstaff

Banish Plump Jack Falstaff and Banish all the World!

Last night was another night for the DUNE group at Cafe Racer. I’m planning to go pretty regularly for a while due to the Cafe about to go bankrupt and I don’t know how the Racer most likely closing will effect the DUNE group. I really need to plan ahead more for these things for the last couple of times I come in without the slightest idea what I’m going to draw so I usually spend the first hour desperately brainstorming. Because of this, I end up doing an illustration as often as I do a comics page. This month I did have an idea for a comic page… even though it was cribbing a scene from Shakespeare’s Henry IV part one featuring Sir John Falstaff!

I’ve always liked the Falstaff scenes from Shakespeare’s history plays and have been playing around with working on them as a way to combine a storyboard project and a character design project where the events of Henry IV  taking place in a WWII like setting with the Boar’s Head is an RAF officer’s club.

This page made for a useful first step.